Nikon 3100: the answer to my blogging woes?

Hello, readers! I know it’s been awhile, but I’m still here! Yes, I have been busy with school and truthfully, I’ve kind of been confused by the St. Louis weather lately which completely hinders what I wear, thus what I blog (can we say #KelseyProblems, or what?). Still, none of those reasons quite explain why I haven’t been blogging as much as the photo above does. I’m doing some serious research on DSLR cameras. After blogging for several months and becoming an avid reader of tons of fashion and DIY blogs, I quickly discovered my photos are just not up to par with everyone else’s photos.

I have access to a Nikon D50 at my school, but it’s a real big hassle having to check it out every time I decide I want to take pictures of some outfit or event. I figure if I want to take my blogging seriously (which I do) and I want my readers and other bloggers to do the same (which I really do), then it’s time for me to invest in a “big girl” camera! The picture above is of the Nikon 3100 and I think it’s the one I’m going to commit to and purchase. I still want to do some more research and looking around for the best deal, so I’ll probably be doing my buying this coming Friday. This way you all have time to tell me what you think of my choice…sound good? Great!

I can’t wait to have a really nice camera, and just in time for fall festivities and, of course, fall fashion — duh. So, I’ll be back very soon with beautiful HD photos and even..wait for it..wait..VIDEOS! Ah! Take care and have a wonderful rest of your Sunday!